baby growth

Jun 18, 2010


It's possible that I am old-fashioned. Highly possible. But I'm finding it hard to understand teenagers or young adults who still act like they are teenagers. I did have to deal with a full adult, close to a cycle older than me (that means 12 years to you non-chinese zodiac speaking peeps) who acted like a teenager too. It's a luxury for them/her basically, not having to act like a professional when they/she should. I just had stricter upbringing, and I had to grow up a lot sooner than most kids. Not sure if it is a boon or a bane yet. Plenty of time to figure that out.

But what really really gets me is that they:
1. do not want to care
2. do not think you should care either because they think negatively of it eg you are speculating which is bad, you are gossiping which is bad, you are trespassing which is bad, you are asking too personal questions which is bad.
3. they do whatever they like, not what they are required to do
4. they reject anything that has the slightest reference to responsibility
5. think life is about them, not the other 6 billion people out there. To think about others takes a lot of them, and they can't handle it. therefore, they don't.

I'm worried about the future of society.

I'm not writing out of frustration, although a bulk of it may sound like it. It's not even disappointment... or disbelief. It's more of a... reflection of what is going on with today's youths.

Things may turn out fine. We may one day delete the use and necessity of marriages and of living together; everyone gets to live on their own or with people they cannot procreate with; news will be about new branded items that have come out and which gives you a chance to stick your credit card through the machine again because last month's transactions didn't screw the credit card enough; and everyone will be out doing charity because that's the way they show the world they care.. what they care about is a full other issue.

Sigh. I don't know. I'm stuck between generations. I have people older than me who says I am too young to be tied down as a mom, and I have friends who are younger than me who look up to me like they do their aunts (or older). To some I'm supposed to have all the answers, but the answers should fit the ones they already have in their head... or they tell me that I am not always right (= you are wrong and I know it cause I say so - welcome to teen logic), while to others I'm suppose to spoonfeed them, tell them how to walk, talk, drink, eat, sleep, be a mom etcetera etcetera etcetera.

Maybe I should stop caring. It would do good to the little soul I have left in me.

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