baby growth

Aug 22, 2009

7 emotions you never knew until you're a parent.

For something to be considered a Science, it has to: be backed by evidence; be retestable by others; and all come to the same conclusion. Crud... now that I think of it.. I think that is the definition of a hypothesis.

But.. who cares?

The point I'm driving home today is the evidence of that bond which exist between mother and child.

Love can hardly be called a Science. So many conclusions could come from the same initial point: You may marry him and live happily together forever with him, or You may divorce him within the next three years. You may cheat on him or be cheated on by him and still stick together as a couple "for the sake of the children". You may find out he is a closeted gay. You may tell him that you are a closeted lesbian or bisexual on your 5th wedding anniversary. You may even find him divorcing you to be with your mother (sick I know... but it happens).

So why then do experts insist on mothers breastfeeding their babies to 'strengthen that bond between mother and newborn' hours after she has just given birth?

No, it's not because they are sadistic maniacs.

It's because this bond, you can see and feel it: the evidence of love.

*jeng.. jeng... JENG*

7 emotions you never knew until you're a parent.

Once you've become a mother, you will feel the following 'new (undiscovered until now)' emotions:

1. When your child cries nonstop in the first week or two, you will feel helpless and will begin crying along with it.

When you partner shouts or 'pats' your newborn to make it stop crying, you feel a slice into your already delicate heart and will be compelled to 'protect' your child.

When you hold your child against your bosom (that's chest, for the rest of you modern peoples), you will feel that nothing wrong could ever and will ever happen to your child.

4. When you are able to calm your newborn down and make it stop crying by holding it or speaking softly to it, you will feel like you've won the Nobel prize.

5. When you are able to make your newborn stop crying by 'hitting' her puny little backside, the guilt you feel afterwards makes you feel willing to face the firing squad.

6. The first time you see your newborn smile at you, you'd be as excited as the day you bought your first car.

7. When your newborn grabs your finger and would not let go, you'd let it hold your finger for just one more second (and another, and another)... even if the building is on fire.

There's actually a whole lot more than just seven.. and these aren't exactly 'emotions' but to be fair, you seriously will not understand them until you've become a parent yourself. Seriously.

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