baby growth

Aug 16, 2009

Book review: Mistress in the Art of Death

I really like this myriad of old-age CSI, feminism, romance, murder mystery and adventure story. The fact that I read it quite a while back doesn’t dilute my enthusiasm for the story or for a re-read. Highly recommended for those who like romances but are not so ok with murder mysteries, and also vice versa. Take this book as the stepping stone to reach either side of the spectrum.

The story is set in medieval times. The protagonist, Adelia Aguilar, is a female doctor who is not quite accepted by her peers due to her being the ‘wrong’ sex and being highly adept in her job. She goes on the hunt for a child murderer with a sidekick and later on a knight (cheesy yes, but I’m talking about a real knight here) and ends up in a place similar to the ‘bowels of hell’ for the frightening and suspenseful climax. Won’t ruin it any further… unless you’re not going to read it. So read it.

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