baby growth

Sep 6, 2009

Korean Drama: Six Children (second update)

Apparently there are plenty of people who really love the korean drama Six Children that I posted here awhile back. See the first update to find where you can order it, if that is your thing. In a response made by Angie to the conclusion of the drama, I'm sorry Angie, I can't find anyone who I know who has caught the finale but I will keep on searching.

In the meantime, I'd like to leave this link which leads to a translation of the Korean wiki entry for the movie. I was surprised to find that the original korean version was not entitled Six Children but "Always has sunny spring day [sic]" and alternatively as Six brothers and sisters. There are a few links at the bottom of the page which leads you to the official web page for the movie. They're all either in korean or chinese, and the translations are funnier than they are helpful. Still, maybe some of you will be able to decipher the conclusion for the rest of us.

Here is also a weak result of a short research: the Youtube video of the 1998 opening of the series. There you will find the korean title for the movie: 육남매 Yuknammae. 

Now to seek out that conclusion.

1 comment:

Mun said...

i really like this korean drama... and make me cry.. :(