baby growth

Jun 5, 2009

Around 5 to 6 weeks, Eva is starting to recognize people and fear people she has not seen before, which is a good thing in case someone kidnaps her... hehe. Some babies may experience this earlier, some later. However, the degree of recognization is quite limited.

For example, Eva recognizes me as one of her parents/'slaves'/caretaker and her father as the other
parents/'slaves'/caretaker and while she has no problem recognizing her father, she sometimes sees me and cries for no reason. Let me rephrase that, she cries for reasons unknown to me until I figured out that how I have my hair (up or down, or just all over the place especially when it is in the middle of the night) and whether or not I'm wearing my glasses makes a difference everytime she sees me holding her.

It's a good thing then that she recognizes my voice, or at least the humming frequency of my voice.

So much so that sometimes she ngi-ngi-ngoh-ngoh because she wants me to carry her and hum her lullabies or nursery rhymes. Puts her to sleep, and me out of breath, everytime.

Not very efficient.

And so, I look for alternatives.

And I found, a wonderful website with lyrics to songs that places you back to your childhood in an instant. The greatest thing about it, you can download midi of the songs to your computer and play them to your child! Wish I found this earlier, like when Eva doesn't have a name yet earlier.

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