baby growth

Jun 17, 2009

Korean Drama: Six Children (update)

Well, waddaya know. Look what I found in Ebay: Six Children the DVD. Best thing of all, there is a synopsis there. Yay!

But it's in Mandarin.

For what it's worth, here is the DVD cover.

Korean Drama: Six Children

Ya I know, the mom is a babe. But she doesn't look like that throughout the whole show. She looks haggardly and as if she has a tortured soul but her actions speak the through language of motherly love. Oh come on, you gotta watch it now. Channel 301 on Astro.

Hmm... I wonder if 8TV will take it up after it finishes its run on Astro. *keeping fingers crossed*.



this movie .. super "ko" leh

Mama Sing said...

sometimes see ppl ko liao, we'll feel like our lives are better and we can appreciate it more.