Don't ask me why they chose that day. The reason somehow isn't curious enough to send me to a Google Search frenzy... Ok, fine, I'm getting lazier by the day from the fatigue and constant interruption of a train of thought by my princess (soon to be Queen judging by her short fuse and level of IMpatience).
I'm sure they have a good reason for not having it on the second Sunday of June, parallel with Mother's Day. Come to think of it, maybe it's because the sacrifices and contributions coming from either parent is incomparable yet somehow equally significant in a child's life. And therefore even though the fathers are not the one carrying the child for 9 mths and suffering the consequences thereafter, they have their own ways of making a child's life special.
For one thing, the father is the bringer of bread. Nowadays, he's the bringer of fast food; a break from the usual mundane food mom always makes for the kids: porridge, milk, rice, soup... nutritious but... after awhile you need to get some MSG into the system.
Then, the father is the one who does all the carrying during short trips to shopping malls or the playground. The reason being that he is usually busy at work and therefore lacks the opportunity to spend quality time with the kids aka being a slave to them aka doing mom's weekday job during the weekends.
The father is also the appeal court. That means when mom says NO, there is a high probability that dad can still say YES, as long as you don't ask him in front of Mom and if are good with the puppy-dog eye thing that Bolt does.

Fathers are suckers for daughters. I have one and my daughter has one. We are living proof that fathers can never say no to their daughters, unless it has to do with boyfriends, piercings and tattoos. It's worse when the daughter is the firstborn and you are the wife. Now I know how my mother feels.
And you know what? Fathers cry too. They can't show it to you or to anyone else but the hurt that the mother feels, it is felt 100% by the father as well. Sometimes the burden is worse because they have to be the pillar of strength for the wife to lean on. So, yeah.. dad's have it tough too.
So to everyone out there, if you are celebrating Father's Day, sit back and really think of why you are celebrating it. This, like Mother's Day, is an occasion that should not be commercialized no matter what the media says.
And if you are not celebrating Father's Day, maybe this year, you should.
Happy Father's Day!
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