Many new parents forget that.
They don't look like this all the time.

or this.

or this.

Nope, the reality is a whole lot scarier. And.. fortunately I don't have photos to prove that at the moment.. yet.
The older generation will do one out of two things only whenever a baby cries: give the baby milk or carry them and then shake them as if they want to give the baby head trauma. I swear. Seriously. They either do it or they tell you to do it.
During my one month crash course, I've picked up a few thing more things to add to the above to-do list. Here are a couple of hints I've picked up about a baby crying.
Once a baby has pooped, she's hungry. Doesn't matter if you just fed her an hour ago. It's as if their stomach empties out once they have pooped. If she cries after you've cleaned her, then she's hungry. Same goes with peeing, only in larger quantities. Hey, it's just milk and water, how long do you think it stays in the baby's tummy?
Sometimes they cry and scream and can't tell you what is wrong with them. They act as if they cry because they want to, which is really never the case. There is always a problem and while you're figuring it out, you just have to stay calm, remember that they cry for a reason, and have patience.
And don't ever scream, shout or scold your newborn.
You will immediately regret it because it will only scare them, which makes them cry more, after which the only remedy is to carry them, close to your body (closer than usual) until they stop shaking/jerking/sobbing... which takes about half an hour to an hour. Plus, it's really heartbreaking to see that.
Babies are never easy but many people can handle their newborns well, no reason to think that you shouldn't be part of that crowd.
1 comment:
Sometimes if you can't tolerate your baby or you're at the verge of screaming/scolding at her, it's best to let others handle her. We can tolerate other people's babies but seldom our own.
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