baby growth

May 4, 2009

Oprah makes me cry

A couple with a baby with Trisomy 18 and who is said, by doctors, will not survive childbirth. Their story is told through the power of technology, but the experience itself is told with such pure honesty.. oh, just watch the video.

the video which reduced Oprah Winfrey and Celine Dion to tears.

Caution: You will cry. Get a box of tissue ready.


LiLiN said...

Very touching story.

Elliot's beautiful.

Mama Sing said...

Oprah did not watch the video before she introduced it. So after the clip finished rolling and they showed Oprah's feed, her face was wet, half covered with tissue and she was speechless. Celine was covering her eyes with the tissue and looking away. They had to cut to commercial. I was wiping my eyes throughout the whole video. The couple, Matt and Ginny, has another baby girl name Hazel now. They were pregnant when Oprah interviewed them through satellite, so this story has a happy ending.