baby growth

May 29, 2009

The King and Queen of Music

There was a time when loving Celine Dion was cool. Now, it's cheesy... but I don't care. I still love her. Another artiste I love would be ... Elvis. Yes, Elvis Presley. I love his songs. I don't know all of them but I like the ones I do know, including the one called If I Can Dream.

Put one of the biggest selling female artiste in the world together with the King, the one of the biggest selling artiste of all time and you will get this. Oh, and did I say that it's a live performance? A duet of the weirdest kind?

Lovely isn't it? The first time I bumped into the video above, which has been watched more than 1.37 million times, I spent hours searching for the explanation of how those two could be placed on stage with the video playing at the background over and over and over and over again. What can I say? I'm a fan.

Back to the explanation: No, that is not an impersonator. And no, it is not live CGI either. The fact is... both Elvis and Celine were not on stage in front of the AI audience when the performance was broadcast.
In fact, Celine was not in the house (couldn't resist) the night the performance was shown on the American Idol stage, or to be more precise, on the screen.

The audience you see in the video is actually pre-recorded, as was Celine and as was Elvis (a few decades earlier). The three components were painstakingly pieced together: Celine performed in front of a green screen, Elvis was 'cut' out of an original video he was in (you can find it on Youtube, his mannerisms in the original video were exactly like in the video above), brushed up and placed on an imaginary stage with Celine then the audience was added in, and voila! Jaw-dropping performance. Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that for the scenes that show the back of Elvis; that was a body double. Everything else was done through the magic of technology.

Don't you just love dreams coming true? ...If I can walk

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