baby growth

Apr 5, 2009

Labour pains

I'm in Week 36 and I've partially packed for the run to the hospital in case Eva decides to pop 'out' earlier than expected. Strange how things you plan may not go as planned in the end. Ah, that's life, and the essence of what this blog is about...

Anyways, I had my first Braxton-Hicks contractions last week. It hurt more than I had expected, mainly because they said it sorta feels like menstrual cramps or menstrual pain. I grew up with menstrual pain.

was not like menstrual pain.

Braxton-Hicks contractions feel are also known as
false labour pains, because yes, they feel like labour pain but they do not signify real labour. In short, the baby is not coming out yet. What you should feel, according to my doctor, was:

"A sensation that starts from the top of your belly, contracting downwards towards your groin (the whole of your uterus contracting
lah tu)."

You should time your contractions from the
beginning of each contraction. The intervals will get shorter between each contractions and by the time they are 5 to 10 minutes apart, you know you should get a move on. Especially if the hospital or your place of delivery is quite a distance away. Mine is about 20 mins away and through 2 plaza tolls, RM1 each.

I got my
Touch and Go ready last Friday. Just in case.

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