baby growth

Apr 17, 2009

There their...

It was not until I got my first job as an editor that I realize how much crap we've been taught while trying to indulge ourselves in what they call Malaysian English. No, I do not mean the lah, ma and apa dah...

Do you know that you should pronounce their not as 'di-ar' but as 'there'?
As in:
I know their address should sound like I know there address when it comes out of your mouth.
Apparently, I'm not the only one who was surprised with this. See here.

Do you know that flour should rhyme with flower and hour instead of blah?
As in:
I bought flour and sugar at the store should sound like I bought flower and sugar at the store.
And I stumbled into this quite heated debated between two people who really did their research but are at odds because they communicate through paper instead of through the phone. They're both right by the way; it's just a misunderstanding that cannot be cleared up through written communication.

And just to make it like a charm:
The letter 'H' is pronounced as aitch .. not as haitch. Well you can pronounce it as haitch, as long as the first h is silent.

And that concludes our lesson for today. Tank-Q u.

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