baby growth

Apr 26, 2009

Mama's Big Day

Okay, maybe it is still a bit too early to be sending reminders to everyone but, MOTHER'S DAY is coming soon. It's just too weeks away, 10th of May to be exact.

And it's my first one being both a daughter and a mother at the same time. Kewl...

Anyways, just to share something interesting with you, the official flower for Mother's Day is the red carnation because according to a Christian legend (and Wikipedia) it sprung up [from the ground, I assume] when Jesus' mother shed tears of distress when seeing her son suffer at the cross.

Although now, it is more of a commercialized kind of thing, like how Christmas is about presents and giving and last minute shopping. But women just love receiving flowers, it's in their nature, so get some for your mama this Mother's Day.

Look at me, I'm purty.

But if you can't or you live too far away, just give them a call. I think they would love to have a chat with their son or daughter on such a special Sunday.

I mean it, call them!

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